Production & Shop:
Pontives 28
I-39040 Laion / Val Gardena - (BZ)
T: + 39 0471 797175
F: + 39 0471 797737
Head tax office:
Cademia 20
I-39046 Ortisei / Val Gardena (BZ)
VAT - ID no: IT 00739380210
Reg. Imprese di Bolzano n. 00739380210
REA N. BZ-123700
Company Thalerdesign
I-39042 Bressanone
Julius-Durst-Straße 44
+39 340 8263130
+39 346 795 2871
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The present website can host links that lead to third-party websites, which are completely beyond our control. For this reason we cannot be considered responsible for the contents shown on these third sites. Providers or operators are responsible for the contents present on external connected webpages. At the moment of linkage the pages have been examined for possible infringements, however, no unlawful contents could be found at that time. A constant monitoring of these links would not be reasonable without the suspicion of infringement. Should any infringement be detected on these linked pages, the link will be immediately removed from our website.
The contents present on this website are subjected to the Italian copyright laws. The duplication, editing and distribution, or any other usage of these contents outside the copyright regulations, need to be authorized by the author or producer in a written document. In the case in which the contents present on the pages have not been created by the operator, the copyright regulations of third parties will be considered. In particular, contents belonging to third parties will be notified as such. If the Customer detects any violation of the copyright regulations he is kindly invited to report it. Should any violation of the copyright be brought to our attention, such contents will be immediately removed.
Mandatory information according to the EU-Regulation N. 524/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council:
Platform for online dispute resolution for consumer disputes (ODR) to the European Commission:
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